Reader's Guide to Growing Apart
Growing Apart is a short history of inequality in America. It follows the lead of a generation of work in institutional economics, arguing for the political or policy roots of American inequality. Framed by an introduction and conclusion, the argument is developed in three parts: Mind the Gap traces the dimensions of inequality in America, especially over the last generation. The Usual Suspects dispenses with the conventional focus on globalization, technological change, and demographic change as the root causes of American inequality. Differences that Matter turns our attention to the key political or policy choices that account for the growth of inequality over time, and the distinct trajectory of the United States.
Each of these sections distills the relevant historical and economics literature into a spare explanatory narrative. The account is generously illustrated with graphics--many of them interactive, and all of them regularly updated with the latest data. Footnotes provide "pop-up" references to the relevant literature, with hyperlinks to the original sources where available [some of these may be restricted by firewalls or site licences].
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