12014-12-17T10:50:17-08:00Alex Stinson5c04b0534a167c70bbffa03c74f2cba2e14aaced35031A tag for work done by students as part of classroom.plain2014-12-17T10:50:18-08:00Alex Stinson5c04b0534a167c70bbffa03c74f2cba2e14aacedThe tagged pages in this group are pages developed by students as new parts of our project.
Contents of this tag:
12014-12-17T10:32:33-08:00AnonymousGordon Parks Directing Dana Elcar on the set of the Learning Tree13An Image Description by Tanisha Crump and Rachel Wrobelmedia2015-05-12T12:03:23-07:00Student workTanisha Crump and Rachel WrobelAlex Stinson5c04b0534a167c70bbffa03c74f2cba2e14aaced