Global Stories Portfolio

Reflection #1

  1. Develop analytic skills to analyze and create digital stories in different platforms.
  2. Enhance writing skills and digital literacy (short written project updates, E-Portfolio on Scalar, collective annotation on, VoiceThread) 
  3. Experiment with different ways to create and disseminate knowledge using different storytelling strategies. 
  4. Understand basic characteristics, arguments, objectives of digital storytelling.
  5. Assess minor and major differences between different kinds of storytelling.
  6. Participate in a community of digital humanists by sharing, receiving feedback, and reviewing each other's work in multiple digital formats recognizing their own identity as knowledge producers.
My Goals:
  1. I am most familiar with analyzing academic work in papers. I have only recently begun to analyze media in academia and am not well versed in the ways to do it. I hope to learn a lot about media analysis while also learning about digital stories and how to produce them. 
  2. I am fairly confident in my writing skills and look forward to gaining more practice developing them. I also look forward to increasing my digital literacy, as I think my current skills are not as developed as they could be. I also look forward to the collective annotations on as a way to better understand the materials and collaborate with classmates. 
  3. I am really looking forward to learning a lot about storytelling. I feel as though writing traditional academic papers has trained me to think that creativity is not as important to academia. I have passion for creative writing, and I am looking forward to using storytelling strategies to combine academic productions with creativity. 
  4. To produce my own digital story, it is important to fully understand the basic pieces of it. By understanding how a digital story is made and developed, I will better understand how to create one myself. I also believe it is important to understand how and why products are made to fully appreciate their impact. 
  5. We have already had discussions about some of the different types of storytelling and I am interested to see how these will develop in our own projects as well as how to apply it to my own ambitions. I hope to continue to use storytelling as a part of my academic work in the future, so understanding the different options I have is vital. 
  6. I am looking forward to collaborating with classmates in this work. Especially since the readings have emphasized the importance of community both in terms of the stories and in terms of producing them. I hope to benefit from a community of like-minded individuals who will provide feedback on my work and look forward to connecting with them about their work.

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