Genevieve Carpio's Pedagogical Portfolio: Teaching, Digital Humanities, and Diversity

Digital Pop-Up: Latin@ Mobility in California History

Latino/a Mobility in California History is a collaborative website designed by the students of HIST/ERM 129 at Yale University. This course investigated 20th century California history with an emphasis on Latino/a mobility. Course themes included the right to mobility in the American West, ethnic quarantine, deportation, cars and leisure, freeways, and mobile imaginaries.

Through the practices of bloggingdigital curation, and primary historical research, we combined traditional historical methods with new media to ask how Latino/a mobility--as practiced, policed, and perceived--has intersected with race, gender, and class to produce varying life experiences in California and beyond. You are invited to tour our digital exhibitLatina and Latino Mobility in 20th Century California, and visit images from our multimedia Pop-Up installation

The open-air installation was based on our web exhibit. Using Latino/a histories of migration as its foundation, the exhibit explored the ways emergent technologies change how research is done and who it is done for. Audience members were asked to leave feedback through a variety of mediums, including Twitter at #CALatino. An archive of these tweets was created through Storify. A full album can be viewed on Flickr at Digital Pop-Up!

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