FROM INCUBATORS TO ECOSYSTEMS: EVALUATING THE STARTUP DIGITAL ECONOMY CLUSTER OF HULL CITY Main MenuABSTRACTAbstractLITERATURE REVIEWReview of relevant and recent literature on /Digital Economy/ Complexity Theory/ Social Media and Network Theory/ Business Model ResearchMETHODOLOGYResearch stages and methods for the case study are summarised as followsFINDINGSLinksANALYSISLinksDISCUSSIONLinksCONCLUSIONSBIBLIOGRAPHYauthors in alphabetical orderAcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsJosep Almirall3aa606bbf169519dce4053897d289d9b58670ab0Author: Josep Almirall (January 2016 - December 2016)
From the research question: How connected are their networked components in social media?
The networks analysed within the Digital Economy cluster - C4DI and The Enterprise Centre Facebook pages - do not show a prevalent social media presence, they are behaving as a community with a weak leadership mainly centred in the UK. After identifying the most connected network components the graph showed that C4DI has a strongly connected network with an even distribution of users and posts and that the Enterprise Centre network is characterized as a super user network with a weakest connectivity among posts. There is a real opportunity for growing and differentiation by taking advantage of the lack of a strong presence inside the network. On the other hand, due to the small sample size used during the analysis, caution must be applied, as the findings may not be extrapolable to the entire cluster. Nevertheless, it is solid to acknowledge the importance of the C4DI at the present time and to predict a consistent growth around the initiative in a foreseeable future, linking network connectivity with value creation.