Food Migrations

About Me

Ahoj! Hi guys- 

I'm Tracy, a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin.  I have been studying Czech culture and language for the past three years.  I am currently in the Slavic and Global Policy studies programs at UT-Austin and am interesting in everything food-related.  My first experience with Czech cuisine was in 2016 on a summer language program in Prague.  The food reminded me so much of my grandmother's Polish style of cooking and, even though it is not the healthiest cuisine, I was hooked.  Texas is a convenient place to study Czech because of the prevalence of Texas Czechs!  

Eventually, I hope to take this project overseas to the Czech motherland.  This summer I will be in Prague and Brno for three months and plan on expanding my research to food changes in the 1980s to the present time.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments about this project:

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