Kelly Valbuena E-Portfolio

First Reflection

When hearing digital storytelling, I often think of specific social media platforms. Instead, I recently learned of the multiple formats and the different types of usage that digital storytelling can provide. This semester, I plan to establish and improve my analytical skills in global studies. When looking into the criteria for digital storytelling, enhancing writing skills and digital literacy will be vital to improving my skills, which can be applied to future career aspirations. Access to the different variations of digital storytelling will help me learn the minor and significant differences between storytelling. I plan to learn to apply various methods to specific events or situations. To learn how to use each technique, I plan on experimenting with each form of storytelling. Also, I can view examples by hearing stories to help select the format.
Although digital stories surround me, I was unaware of digital storytelling and the exposure I had. Now when looking at stories, I will be able to identify an inside look at the format and the reasoning behind their structure. My idea of digital storytelling will be helpful when sharing the stories of others, especially in the field of international relations. In order to encourage the audience to have more involvement in a specific movement, digital storytelling will provide a guide or a starting point for getting involved. I am looking forward to learning how to create a digital story effectively. Also, the ability to have an outlet creatively is a concept I am looking forward to. One opportunity in digital storytelling projects is the projects that revolve around advocacy. Specifically, I am referring to my current internship this semester in raising awareness for Macedonia's fight for their self-identity against neighboring countries that would like to impede Macedonia's progress in entering the EU. Demonstrating the digital stories of those impacted firsthand will help support those fighting to have their nationality recognized and their home to be recognized.