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First Contact

Steven Hack, Author
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Nearly a thousand years ago, before FTL communication and travel were invented, Earth sent out a fleet of Von Neumann probes. These unmanned, self-replicating drones had a simple mission: Search the galaxy for intelligent life, and give that life the tools to contact us.

One year ago, Deep Space Station Norlind received the first response.  The radio signal encoded a simple sound clip with standard frequency modulation; the clip itself was a heavily accented English speaker greeting the people of earth and welcoming their ambassadors.

The months following were a mad scramble of activity, as all Earth's most influential governments and corporations coordinated to send a mission, and squabbled to put people with their interests in mind into prominent positions.

Today, the great ship The Speaker is leaving its spacedock.  It will take one month to reach the 300-lightyear distant planet.  Every citizen of Earth and the colonies have hopes and fears riding on its members.  For better or for worse, this mission will change the world.

-Retrospective published by Netflix News Channel the day of The Speaker's launch.
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