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First Contact

Steven Hack, Author

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Gowan scowls out at the team.  "What the hell was that."  The way he says it, it isn't a question.  "I want some answers, and I want them now."

Sacha bristles at the military man's demeanor.  "Major Wallace, I don't believe we can give you those answers.  Mr. Verres's actions are just as bizarre and inexplicable to me as they are to you."

Gowan's scowl only deepens.  "Thomas!  You knew Verres, right?  Did he say anything weird recently?"

Thomas stops to think.  "Actually, sir, I don't believe he said anything at all recently."

"Well isn't that bloody helpful.  Blu, do-"

"You misunderstand, sir," Thomas interrupts.  "I mean that he hasn't said a word, about anything, since... oh, yesterday morning."

"Oh, lovely, so he's got some bloody alien disease.  I knew Hao called that one too early.  Speaking of, Josh, you said that Gevron woke up?"

"Oh!  Yes.  I brought Sacha in to talk to it, since I obviously can't myself."  He turns expectantly toward her.

Sacha clears her throat.  "His name is Zalo.  He was quite effusive in thanking us for freeing him, and he seems unconcerned with his injury.  Furthermore, it appears that he is awestruck to have encountered humans.  From his demeanor, I suspect he believes himself in some sort of afterlife."

Gowan chuckles darkly.  "Well, let's hope that doesn't become true any time soon.  Anything else?"  When Sacha does not respond, he continues, "Well, that's it for today, then.  DIS-"

"One more thing, sir."  Thomas interrupts.  "I was looking through the logs of my Tiger and I found something unusual on the radio recording."

"Oh?  Let's hear it, then."

Thomas plays the file, which is only silence punctuated by bursts of static.

"What's so interesting about that?" Gowan grumbles.

"Nothing by itself," Thomas concedes.  "But when you match up the time logs to a video of the encounter...."  He suits actions to words and soon the video is playing.  The first burst of static occurs immediately before the aliens disarm theselves.  Another issues as the Xrionan steps forward to meet Sacha.  Several more sound as Michael approaches the pair.


"Isn't it obvious, sir?  The Xrionans have their own radios."  Thomas smirks.  "That's why they don't want the Gevrons having any - they interfere, or maybe they just don't want them spying."

-Recording of a meeting of the diplomacy team soon after the Verres incident, publicly released upon its declassification immediately following the mission.
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So close

So close, and yet so far...

My eyes adored you

Posted on 10 June 2014, 4:29 am by Steven Hack  |  Permalink

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