WEEK 1 : January 29 : Introductions: What is an archive? What is this archive?
- Presentations by Alex/Jenn on their interests in archiving from activist, scholarly, artistic points of view
- Introduction to the VHS ARCHIVES course site, and last year's work
- Discussion of collaboration methods
- Visit by Emily Fairey
- Assignment for Feb 5: PERSONAL ARCHIVE PROJECT: present a synopsis of an archive you are drawn to or an artist who uses archives (Enwezor artists can be used); read Enwezor Intro to Archive Fever and Gianacchi, Chapter 4
WEEK 2 : Feb 5 : Connecting archives to communities
- Visit from community partner
- present PERSONAL ARCHIVE PROJECT: an archive of interest (refer to readings)
- Discussion of Enwezor intro and Gianacchi, Intro and Chapter 4
- Assignment for Feb 19: watch 12 class videos and then choose 1 to focus on: annotate, description, citation, etc. on site
Resources on our site:
- The American Archive of Public Broadcasting Wiki: A Technical Preservation Resources Guide for Public Media Organizations:
- Minimum Viable Station Documentation:
- Read from selected resources on video, fair use, and digitization
WEEK 3 : Feb 19 : Connecting archives to communities
- Visit from community partner
- CLASS VIDEO PRESENTATION: a video from the collection that speaks to you (refer to Enwezor or Demus or Gianachi)
- Read Giannachi for February 26, chapters 1-3
WEEK 4 : Feb 26: Archival standards and methods
- Visit from Colleen Bradley-Sanders, Brooklyn College Library
- Discuss Giannachi, chapters 1-3
- Identify groups for final projects
- In groups: begin to create a sandbox with workplan, resources, links, non-profit organizations, readings
- Begin research plan construction (interviews, field trips, outside viewing) and use class site to document your plans.
- Assign REMIX Project for March 4 or 11
- Students (group 1) Assign a related reading or viewing for their REMIX RE-SEARCH project for March 4
WEEK 5 : March 4 : Digging into our VHS Archive (Group 1)
Presentation of REMIX or RE-SEARCH projects and discuss student assigned readings or viewings- Discuss Assigned Readings by presenters (If you have a presentation, email links to readings or viewing links by Sunday, March 1).
Students (group 2) Assign a related reading or viewing for their REMIX RE-SEARCH project for March 11
WEEK 6 : Mar 11 : Digging into the VHS Archive (Group 2)
- Presentation of REMIX or RE-SEARCH projects and discuss student assigned readings or viewings
- Discuss Assigned Readings by presenters (If you have a presentation, email links to readings or viewing links by Sunday, March 8).
- Students (group 2) discuss a related reading or viewing for their REMIX RE-SEARCH
WEEK 7 : Mar 18 : Zooming Out from the VHS Archive (NO CLASS MEETING, instructional development week)
This can be a digital archive.
- Read Demus, Chapters 3-4 for March 25
- Look deeper into previous class work: our essays, photos, descriptions, reach out to students
- Complete one page ARCHIVE Report
- Complete one page DIGITAL METHODOLOGIES Report
WEEK 8 : Mar 25 : Archive Presentations (ZOOM class meeting)
- Present REPORTS
- Discuss Demus, Chapters 3-4
- Read Giannachi, Chapters 5-6 for April 1 and Paulo Freire and Meirle Ukeles Laderman Interviews for APRIL 1
- Complete one page PARTNER REPORT
NOTE: REPORT due by March 29, 5pm (Sunday)
WEEK 9 : April 1 : Zooming Out from the VHS Archive: Your Community Partner (ZOOM class meeting)
- COMMUNITY PARTNER PRESENTATION: Presentation of materials related to your community partner: your project should be in contact with a community, please present info about them, introduce a group member, plan a trip to where they meet
- Discuss Giannachi, Chapters 5-6 and Paulo Freire and Meirle Ukeles Laderman Interviews
WEEK 10 : Tuesday April 7 : CONVERSION DAY: Zooming Out from the VHS Archive: Your Community Partner (ZOOM class meeting)
- schedule community partner zoom/skype presentations
- read Two Efforts in Public Health from Dialogues in Public Art and Alex Juhasz, AIDS TV, Chap 6
WEEK 11 : Apr 22 : Zooming Out from the VHS Archive: Your Original Research
- Half the class presents WORK in Progress, either a draft or a segment of your project (15 minute presentations)
GROUP ONE: (Ideally, groups present in clusters)
"Our group documents the process of how we create collaborative art and performance in a disconnected time. "
"My project uses archived folk songs in virtual internet space for musicians to collaborate while unable to meet physically to feel live frequency vibrations."
"My project archives the various work, art and music collaborations I’m creating and participating in during social distancing."
GROUP TWO: "We will function as an Art Crit group, to provide feedback, support and questions with the goal of helping each other pursue our topics and questions of interest. "
"Have a deeper understanding of experiences related to emotional intimacy in the gay community."
"A poem in the night with colors of the day."
WEEK 12 : April 29 : Student progress report, Zooming Out from the VHS Archive: More Research
- Half the class presents WORK in Progress, either a draft or a segment of your project (15 minute presentations)
"This project galvanizes the concepts of social isolation, digital vacancy, and moving image archives as they appear in justice organizing and media history into a community practice of dispersed accountability."
"Our projects, though separately made and unique in their collaborative processes, seek to reflect pedagogy and connection during a time of social isolation."
"My project, titled "Take Care," seeks to explore the digital archive both as a form of activism and as a pedagogical practice through the collection of online resources and classwork onto a self-made website."
"I am writing a script - the intended medium is sequential visual storytelling (a comic book)."
"I will be the artist leading a virtual pilot program for community-based learning to creatively explore, express, and engage our quarantine worlds together but apart."
WEEK : 13 May 6 : rehearsal/presentation
May 13 : Final Projects