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Film Tutorial

Lynne Stahl, Author

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More Mise-en-scène

Multiple exposure entails two or more exposures of the same piece of film, causing the images to appear partly transparent. One of the images can be made more dominant than the other(s).  The example below is from an old avante-garde adaptation of a Poe short story.

...and in 1996:

Lighting is manipulated to control shadows, emphasize (or deemphasize) an actor's features, and create a particular mood.

Marlene Dietrich

Trevante Rhodes in Moonlight (2016), dir. Barry Jenkins

Greta Garbo

Matte paintings
are hand-painted set pieces used in a shot's background in lieu of the actual location or set depicted. This makes filming particularly ornate, hazardous, or imagined sets feasible and less expensive.

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