Interview Outreach Template and Sample Interview Questions
Subject Line: Interview Request for Student Research Project
Dear [Head of RSO, DEPARTMENT, ETC.]: I am an undergraduate student in MACS265 Innovation at Illinois this Fall semester. As part of our semester research project, I am conducting a research project on ___________. The project considers how ________[your project topic] _______ impacts our campus’ climate around questions of safety and security, broadly defined. This research also considers how campus innovations have shaped student life around these questions.
Because of your role/relation to _____________, I believe my research would be enormously benefitted by your insight. If you would be available to speak [in person or over Zoom] in the next week or so, I would love to schedule a 20-30 minute interview with you.
All responses to my questions would be optional. I am happy to forward the consent form ahead of time. I hope my research can help shed light on campus support for questions of student safety and security impacting student life. Thank you!
How long have you been working in your role? How did you get started?
What issues [problems] regarding safety and security does your work on campus address today? And who [or what offices, staff, students, on campus] have been especially important in that effort for you?
What did those issues [problems] around safety and security look like when you arrived on campus? What do they look like today?
Is there anything particular about the culture or history of innovations around safety and security at UIUC that your work addresses or makes note of?