Fall 2023 - MACS265: Innovation Illinois

Assignment 6: Reading Response and Preliminary Proposal Worksheet

Part 1: Reading Response
Read the 3 assigned readings on Unit One/Allen Hall History (1994) and the Proposal to Encourage Undergraduate Education Development at UIUC (1972). Now consider:
1. In the "To the University with Love" (aka the Educational Reform Manifesto, c. March 11, 1968; from University of Illinois Archives, Paul C. Schroeder papers-addition, 1960s, unprocessed), what critiques are being made about undergraduate education and what solutions does the manifesto suggest? In 1 paragraph:2. In the Proposal to Encourage Undergraduate Education Development at UIUC (1972) [a report from the Commission for Reform of Undergraduate Education and Living (CRUEL; 1970-72), a committee formed by Chancellor Peltason in 1970], Peltason notes that “now is the time” for reform. In 1-paragraph, respond to the following: Why ‘now’? What is articulated in this proposal, and what is implied? What pressures might undergraduate education be feeling, and from where?
3. Unit One/Allen Hall, an innovation for UIUC and the first residential learning community on campus – emerged at a moment when a ‘revolution’ in undergraduate education was taking place, influenced by a larger context beyond questions about higher education. In the Unit One/Allen Hall History" (1994), can you glean from the structure of the early program years what critiques had been made about undergraduate educational experiences at UIUC (and of higher education more broadly)? In 1 paragraph:
4. To what extent can you see different versions of safety for the campus being argued for by students and University leadership in these documents?

Part 2: Preliminary Project Worksheet 

On Thursday, our lab will be held in the Archives Research Center/Student Life & Culture Archives (1707 S. Orchard Street).

Post your Reading Response and Project Worksheet to your Scalar page and send us (MACS265TeachingTeam@gmail.com) the link by 12pm (noon) Monday.