Fall 2023 - MACS265: Innovation Illinois

Assignment 12: Reading Response and Interview Transcript

Part 1: Reading Response

Read the selections from Andrew Yang text and the Executive Summary (pages 3-5) of the Champaign County Illinois Community Health Improvement Plan 2021-23 and consider how the authors use data and statistics. Address these questions in 3 paragraphs:  Find 3 different examples of data as "evidence" used across the 2 texts. What story are the 2 texts telling through the use of data? How is evidence presented in a way that makes it accessible and relatable to readers? How does the Champaign County report draw readers towards the data visualizations later in the report? How does the data/evidence in the 2 texts relate to the authors' argument around safety and security for U.S. households?

Part 2: Interviews & Transcripts 

At this point, you will have already conducted your interview. Now, transcribe the best 4 minutes of your interview (can be various 30 second segments, one stretch, whatever will serve you best).Post Reading Response and Interview Transcript Assignment to your Scalar site's Assignment Page and send us (MACS265TeachingTeam@gmail.com) the link by NOON Monday 11/13.