Exploring the Mind: Seven Studies

Intro: Psychic Seizures and The Memory Artist

Written collaboratively by Ibrahim Bazyan, Ruby Spada, Maria Viscomi

In context with Oliver Sacks’ case study within
An Anthropologist on Mars, Franco Magnani provides insight into how mental instabilities affect identity, human relationships, and memory.
In the chapter of An Anthropologist on Mars titled "The Landscape of His Dreams," there is a keen focus on the case of Franco Magnani, a man who is sometimes referred to as the “Memory Artist”, but also a man who is believed to be suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. Magnani was born in Pontito, a very small town in Italy. As Pontito was fairly isolated, it remained the same for many years, and Magnani lived a safe life. This all changed in 1942 when his father was killed in an accident, and he became the man of the house. Things got worse when the Nazis took over Pontito and virtually ruined what it had been. Eventually Magnani moved away from Pontito, settling in America, but his hometown always held a special place in his heart. Magnani became mentally ill, and was admitted to a sanitorium. While he was there he experienced very strange symptoms including extremely vivid dreams of Pontito. After his stay in the sanitorium, thoughts and images of Pontito controlled Magnani's life, and he began painting these visions.


Oliver Sacks, MD, FRCP, was born into a family of doctors, and later on for him to become one as well as he practiced neurology. Throughout his life, Dr. Sacks traveled the world exploring cases and meeting new patients. He also taught neurology at NYU and the Columbia University Medical Center. Sacks had a particular knack for specialized cases as seen in An Anthropologist on Mars, whether it be Alzheimer's, Tourettes, phantom limb syndrome, or temporal lobe epilepsy.




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