Exploring the Languages of Digital Media

Future of Henry's Media Design?

Overall, exploring the languages of digital media at USC’s Institute for Multimedia Literacy has been extremely inspiring for my journey as a creator and my goals and passion for engaging in media theory. From the start in reading Practices of Looking, I found that understanding the context for the media we create is vital in conveying the message and shapes how we understand the message of older works. This attention to context is particularly important when making media in the 21st century and is something I am interested in exploring in the future. The idea of how we consume media and information is another topic I was able to explore through the hypertext and paths created on this website.

Examining Barbara Kruger was an inspiration for her style and her choices in presenting her arguments through digital media. She inspired the two image pieces I created by demonstrating the power when using recognizable figures or people as a topic of interest in creating arguments. The dada-image and video argument piqued my interest in how form can play into an argument. This was the first time I realized how form could be used to demonstrate and extend your argument. I want to carry this use of form into my future work in 3D environments, where there is even more potential to use this as an aspect of my media’s argument. I also believe that as I continue to work more in the 3D/VR/AR space, I can use many of the ideas we explored in John Berger's Ways of Seeing, in the power that context can have for the meaning we convey, and can only imagine the possibilities in a place where you have total control over the setting media is viewed it in. Overall, this semester I was able to gain a core literacy for media making that will help me as I move on as a creator in all forms and work to make more media that can have a real impact on people's behaviors.


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