Exploration in Digital Literature

Stitching the Past Together

While stitching the pieces of cloth, the narrator's recollections of her mother's handiwork skill are revealed to the reader. The first piece of stitched cloth recalls how the narrator and her sister proudly wore their mother's handiwork and would receive praise from others because of how skilled their mother was. The second and third pieces of cloth support the idea of the narrator's mother being skilled with handiwork because they mention how the narrator and her sister were seen as a "pair of nicely dressed girls" and were essentially advertisements of their mother's skill. Through these short recollections that are shown through stitching cloth, the reader is able to explore the narrator's past and mother-daughter relationship by learning about her childhood as well as about her mother, who seemed to derive her pride and glory from her handiwork skill. From this provided information in the narrative, it could be inferred that the narrator's mother was very precise in her work and wanted outcomes to be near perfect. The design of this work, in which a gray guiding tool indicates where the reader should stitch, parallels this inference because the presence of the guiding tool could serve to ensure that the reader stitches in the correct areas and also produces the best outcome.

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