Ex Libris: Annotating Books from the William A. Clark Memorial LibraryMain MenuIntroductionIntroduction by Professor McClendon, with a map and a timeline of annotated books included in this course project.Student ProjectsMuriel C. McClendon7d0d078698cd80d923d8ef12ec1584c2cc8c35e2Jonathan Abraham1951edb1c10a4e0fd1d4c6055bc120deaec1ac3eLuis Alonso224e5f6e7a735c76336fa3dd876079621b634152David Perez Hernandezf35a4d075920538e1a642ce5ad79e60ad2cfad23Adam Jacobsendb1596193330f6ec27a260c3b1c0516e5b16e336Kyle Martinich969d84e3df940a458ce331be950dc44cb6cf190aArthur Ian Michiec975d52e0462a57a8b1be034c3b720b039744e53Pierce Monahan00718a49b8540237c348cef2d7e1bdf22cc5cafbCarson Turnerbe5a97c4b1fb2f144cd3788a6dd117d2485fe221Raymond Valdeze8c1ee8b19789548651d2769a9f2026c455c2f92
Note here the difference between the first and second Adam
12021-05-31T14:40:02-07:00Luis Alonso224e5f6e7a735c76336fa3dd876079621b634152391168plain2021-05-31T19:36:48-07:00Luis Alonso224e5f6e7a735c76336fa3dd876079621b634152The reader/owner of this book has clearly shown some interest within this page as there are many other annotations besides this one.
Contents of this annotation:
12021-05-31T13:26:30-07:00Luis Alonso224e5f6e7a735c76336fa3dd876079621b634152The Workes of John Boys Details 37Manuscript annotations in a copy of the Workes of John Boys, likely made by Henry Vaughan, a contemporary owner whose name is inscribed on the title page. Though a description by the Marchmont Bookshop laid in at the front of the volume asserts that the Henry Vaughan who owned this book was the poet Henry Vaughan the Silurist, that does not appear certain. Annotations consist of marginal notes, manicules and other notations, as well as several longer text passages on blank leaves and at the end of the volume. It is possible that more than 1 roughly contemporary hand is present. Condition: Bound in contemporary mottled calf.plain2021-05-31T19:28:53-07:00UCLA, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Early Modern Annotated Books from UCLA’s Clark Library https://calisphere.org/item/ark:/21198/n1rp5b/1638London, EnglandBoys, John and Vaughan, HenryLuis Alonso224e5f6e7a735c76336fa3dd876079621b634152