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Women’s Storied Lives

Webster's Ready-Made Love Letters ... (1873)

Webster's Ready Made Love Letters (1873)
by the author of "Webster's practical letter-writer," "Webster's chairman's manual," "Webster's business man," and "Webster's reciter."
The Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
BJ2101 .W55 1873  

Webster’s Ready-Made Love Letters, published by Robert De Witt, is a guidebook for all persons in any stage of their relationship. This book is a compilation of letters during the 1800’s, sectioned off by occasion for writing them. For women, it teaches how to write to suitors, fiancés, husbands, or fathers in a suitable, proper way. Most of these letters, for women to men, are signed “Yours obediently,” creating a detachment of independence. Despite this, there are a few unique letters where women regain that independence: turning down a disrespectful suitor or bringing attention to an unfaithful husband. However, these letters also bring to light that some wives are forced into unhappy, unwanted marriages, like a woman who is dreadfully uninterested in a man, but her parents force her to visit him despite how unappealing she finds him. 

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