The Mother's Legacy of Mother-Love, Bright Hopes and Cherished Memories (1908)
The Mother's Legacy of Mother-Love, Bright Hopes and Cherished Memories (1908)
D.H. Wever
Rare Books and Manuscripts Library. Gift of Jerry Tarver
PN6110.M64 W48 1908
Unable to find an adequate volume of texts celebrating the role of his dearly departed mother, Wever compiled this collection of poems dedicated to every facet of motherhood in the early 20th century. Within its pages are poems by both men and women on the topics of mothers, daughters, sisters, or a mixture of these familial roles. There are works celebrating the births and successes of children and the unconditional love of mothers throughout their children’s lives. There are also somber works chronicling the deaths of infants and children and of the mothers themselves: in childbirth, from disease, or from old age. These works are interspersed with pictures representative of select poems, oftentimes on pages far from their respective poem owing to the difficulty of printing pictures and text alongside one another in the era.
This volume was given to Alvida Clay from “Mamma” on July 1, 1911. It contains several old photographs, the subjects of which are now nearly invisible. Several of these photographs have drawn the surrounding text onto themselves. The two most visible depict the same young woman about thirty years old wearing middle-class dress, presumably either Alvida or her mother.