Ohio State Feminist Movement
The Ohio State University Rare Books and Manuscripts Library - Ephemera Collection
Box 1, Folder 36
The inclusion of women into now co-ed colleges created push-back from many and left a deficit between how women and men were treated and taught by their professors. These documents show how women here at The Ohio State University were fighting for their own education by calling out educators and working to create the Women's Studies program.
The pamphlets above highlight how these ideals of equal rights in education are being presented to those on campus. In the Educate the Educators pamphlet, the women of Ohio State were informing other young women how to handle sexism in the classroom. Women at the University brought attention to the blatant sexism that professors still had and how it harmed not only their education but men's education as well. The final three documents are examples of the Women's Studies Sojourner from 1975. These documents discuss the creation of the program and their search for a director. Each Sojourner highlights women within the department and their achievements in and outside of the university. The Sojourner provided a space for women to promote their educational and extra-curricular pursuits and acknowledge one another's achievements. While the women in the university were fighting the sexism in the classroom, this publication created a open and safe space for women and a program that valued them and their education. The Women's Studies program that was started in the 1970s eventually grew to become the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department, which has become a vital part of the university today.