An Exploration Into Identity

Mechanics and Technology in "Twelve Blue"

Written by Maximilian Hewit

The story would not be the same in print or even a document form on a computer. The hyperlinks add another dimension to the piece. The only way to progress through the story is through the hyperlinks and once there are none of those left then side bar which has the same function except the reader will be dropped at a random point in the story. The reader must jump around on this side bar for some time after the hyperlinks cease to exist in order to enjoy the story as a whole. Another interesting technological part of the story is that revisiting a page a page is simple. However, trying to get to the back to the original page after revisiting a previous page can prove difficult because hyperlinks will disappear. This technologically frustrating part of this unconventional story evokes emotions and responses that make the story more meaningful if they are picked up on. As the reader, upon becoming responsive to the text automatically there is a connection between yourself and the text which allows the theme and meaning to be more prevalent.  

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