An Exploration Into Identity

About the Authors

This project was created by Penelope Jankoski, Leah Fox, and Maximilian Hewit.


Penelope Jankoski is a first year student at Case Western Reserve University who stumbled upon e-literature by accident this year and has since developed a deep appreciation for hypertext fictions and the new realms of literature she has been introduced to. She plans on studying biomedical engineering, however, will continue to browse e-literature as it is an interesting form of expression and media. She chose the work The Brain Drawing the Bullet because of the way it utilized the web platform to transform as you read, which she found kind of magical.  


Leah Fox, a freshman studying English at Case Western Reserve University, is a like any other. Her physical form can be defined in terms of two eyes, two hands, innumerable wavy hairs, and ten toes.


Maximilian Hewit is an Undergraduate student at the Case Western Reserve University. Currently he is on the engineering track and hoping to major in Civil Engineering. He enjoys Classic Rock and played some intramural soccer at Case so basically a normal college student with some quirks thrown in. He also loves Luna!


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