Being Wronged

Bad Endings - The Worst of the Worst Happening

The Façade Fandom Wiki describes 6 basic "bad endings" and 1 "good" ending, which is extremely difficult to achieve. 
Those bad endings being :
  1. Leaving
  2. Kicked Out
  3. Door Slammed
  4. Grace Leaves
  5. Trip Leaves
  6. Nothing Changes
    -your being there did nothing to affect their relationship
If you take notice to the figure above, it shows just what happens when the player is kicked out. One of the six bad endings.

There are multiple routes and dialogues to achieve these endings as described by player experiences, there is no one way to go about getting a certain ending. For example, user Mana on the website StackExchange, asked fellow community members about all possible endings and how to achieve them. They were then met with multiple answers outlining multiple tracks that could be taken to complete the story. One user in particular described how they got both Trip and Grace to admit to having an affair. This interaction clearly exemplifies the theme of being wronged because both partners have done things that the other would not approve of.

We are able to have such varied experiences because the player is fully immersed into the story. The story is read in first-person and we are spoken to as if we are really there in the couple's home.We are not allowed to sit in the backseat and watch as the drama unravels but rather take a role in why events turned out as they have.

We are essentially the driving force of the story. By what we say or do, we determine just exactly how the night is going to end. We are directly involved in what will most likely be a catastrophic evening.