Being Wronged

Audio of Missing

Audio plays a very significant part of interactivity that aids the reader in becoming truly immersed in the story. In "Missing," several sounds and verbal phrases are played for the audience to give the effect of truly being apart of the action and living the actual story. 

In the documentary, a voice-over for the missing girl is played in which she shares her feeling and thoughts of what to do and where to go now that she is alone and wounded. Having this audio creates the effect that the girl is actually talking to the reader, formulating a personal bond between the reader and the girl that helps the audience become more engaged in the narrative.

In the background, the dad of the abducted girl can be heard shouting and calling "Wendy," the girl's name. The sound appears to come from every direction, producing the sensation that the reader is with the dad and searching for Wendy as well. Hearing the voice of the dad yelling for Wendy rather than merely reading this description creates a more real experience and helps the reader feel more empathy towards the dad and this unfortunate and wrongful situation.

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