Connections to Other Environmental Justice Events
Modern mining is the "removal of minerals from the earth, economically and with minimum damage to the environment." However with "minimum damages," times after times, countries are seeking for more supplies of minerals and materials to benefit their economic and defense needs. These minerals and materials can be non-fuel minerals such as stones or other resources that don't require further processing or metallic minerals that need to be combined with other materials known as ores. So many operations increasing mining, it is impacting the air, land, and water. Then with its implications, it is forcing many people to move and or causing them to be displaced. Also, with increased industrial's usage of the minerals and materials as an energy source, it is affecting the Greenhouse Effect.
Climate refugees’ campsite is related to the Altgeld Gardens because of the squalid and unsanitary environment. This could be leading up to challenges of providing safe drinking water and food. With that said, campsites can be very crowded with little "room to sleep, bathe, or relax." Furthermore, with runoffs and floods, the campsite will mainly be wet and cold. Due to it, the campgrounds are full of spreadable health issues such as cholera, respiratory illness, skin diseases, malaria, and jaundice.
The chemical waste from the Love Canal will evaporates and produces chemical odor resulting in polluted gas in the atmosphere to the residents. The sea level rises forced families to relocate to bigger cities in Bangladesh. However, the bigger cities are already polluted from factories. Pollution and chemical wastes are risk factors for harming the environment and the people’s health. Asthma is one significant health concerns among climate refugees.
Then contamination of water from microbeads and sea level rises of salinity water result in the lack of food production and safe drinking water. Once microbeads enters the rivers, many fish will become contaminated because the fish cannot digest the plastic and it is unsafe to eat the fishes once it is contaminated. Microbeads are dangerous because they have the ability to absorb toxic chemical in the water. Salinity water makes soil quality insecure, and the freshwater animals will become endangered to local water. Both of the contamination challenged the government to find a solution that will filter out the microbeads and salt so the people and the animal can have potable water.