English 1102 Genetic Modification EcoHorror

Jurassic World EcoHorror Themes

There are several ecohorrific themes in Jurassic World that address the consequences of human actions on the natural world, including:

  1. Genetic engineering: The creation of the Indominus Rex is an example of the dangers of genetic engineering and the manipulation of nature. The hybrid dinosaur is designed to be bigger, stronger, and more intelligent than any other dinosaur, but ultimately proves to be uncontrollable and poses a serious threat to the park and its visitors.

  2. Consumerism and exploitation: The film highlights the negative effects of consumerism and exploitation of natural resources. The park's owners and management are driven by profit and exploit the dinosaurs for entertainment purposes, while disregarding the potential consequences of their actions.

  3. Animal welfare: The treatment of the dinosaurs in the park raises questions about animal welfare and the ethics of keeping wild animals in captivity for human entertainment.

  4. Ecological disruption: The creation of the park and the reintroduction of the dinosaurs into the ecosystem disrupts the natural balance of the island and poses a threat to the local wildlife.

Overall, Jurassic World presents a cautionary tale about the dangers of human intervention in the natural world and the importance of respecting and protecting the environment.

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