English 1102 Genetic Modification EcoHorror

Jurassic World Analysis


The theme of genetic modification is introduced early in the movie, as we learn about the creation of Indominus Rex. The genetically modified dinosaur is presented as an innovative solution to the problem of declining visitor numbers at the park, and its creation is seen as a major scientific achievement. However, as the story progresses, we see the dangers of playing with the natural order. Indominus Rex is not only larger and more intelligent than any other dinosaur in the park, but also lacks social skills and displays aggressive behavior. The consequences of creating such a creature are soon evident, as the hybrid dinosaur breaks out of its enclosure and begins to wreak havoc on the island.

The movie portrays the theme of genetic modification in a nuanced way, presenting both the benefits and the dangers of tampering with nature. On the one hand, genetic modification is shown as a way to create new and exciting species, with the potential to revolutionize the field of science. On the other hand, the movie also warns of the potential consequences of creating such creatures, as they may not behave as expected and may pose a threat to the world.

Another theme explored in Jurassic World is ecohorror. The movie shows the catastrophic consequences of human interference in the natural world. The dinosaurs, which were once extinct, are brought back to life through genetic modification and confined to an island for human entertainment. However, when the dinosaurs escape their containment, they become a threat not only to the visitors on the island, but also to the ecosystem. The movie shows the destructive power of the dinosaurs as they hunt down other animals and cause widespread destruction.

The theme of ecohorror is particularly relevant in today's world, where climate change and environmental degradation have become major issues. The movie highlights the importance of protecting the natural world and the consequences of failing to do so. The dinosaurs in the movie serve as a metaphor for the destructive power of human beings, and the need to be more responsible in our actions.

Furthermore, the movie also explores the relationship between humans and nature. Throughout the movie, we see the human characters struggling to control the dinosaurs and the environment around them. However, their attempts to control nature ultimately fail, and they are forced to adapt to the natural world. This highlights the fact that humans are not separate from nature, but rather a part of it. The movie shows the importance of respecting and understanding the natural world, rather than trying to dominate it.

In addition to its themes of genetic modification and ecohorror, Jurassic World also deals with the concept of greed and corporate power. The movie shows how the park's management prioritizes profits over safety, leading to the creation of Indominus Rex and the subsequent chaos that follows. The human characters in the movie are shown to be motivated by their own self-interest, rather than the greater good. This highlights the dangers of allowing corporations to have too much power and control over our lives.

Overall, Jurassic World is a thought-provoking movie that explores important themes such as genetic modification, ecohorror, and corporate power. The movie presents a cautionary tale about the consequences of playing with the natural order and the importance of respecting the environment. It also shows the destructive power of greed and the need to prioritize the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.


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