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ENGL665: Teaching Writing with Technology

Shelley Rodrigo, Author

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Kevin's Final Project

Kevin Norris
ENGLISH 665/ Final Project
P:rofessor Rodrigo
December 12, 2014

Table of Contents
Major Writing Prompt
Rubric for Persuasive Writing Essay
Rubric for Brochure
Rubric for Scratch
Rubric for Reflection

Major Writing Prompt
Table of Contents
Persuasive propaganda surrounds us. It is in the media; it is embedded in television shows; it is embedded in books, and it is used in advertisement. The purpose of the unit is to teach the students how to recognize persuasive propaganda in Animal Farm, commercials, and political cartoons.
The overall focus is to have the students think about how squealer manipulates the other pigs. They will think about and discuss how the commandments are changed. Then, the students will think about a modern case scenario of how a politician uses the media or how a politician changes what he or she says.

After reading Animal Farm, watching videos on various persuasion techniques for political propaganda and advertisement and researching informational articles and journals related to various advertising and propaganda techniques, write a position paper that supports or rejects the idea of advertisers being allowed to manipulate the brain as a basis to gain consumers and customers. This position paper will be shared with advertisers interested in increasing customers and new ways of measuring advertising effectiveness. The students will support their discussion with evidence from their research. What implications can be drawn from the potential findings?(Desire2Learn).
The students will use one of the following technologies: Scratch or Piktochart. The project will have two parts: a written and a digital, which will utilize both empirical and mimetic techniques. The students will write a 400-600 word persuasive essay. Furthermore, the students will create either a brochure or political cartoon that will persuade (influence) people with regards to the topic.

(Source: (Source:
Finally, after the assignment is graded, the students will write a reflection. The reflection will discuss several things. First, the student will give an overview of the assignment. Next, the student will discuss why he or she chose a certain technology. Next, the student will discuss his or her weaknesses. Finally, the student will discuss how she or he will improve.
Assignment Objectives:

Table of Contents

Objective #1:Students will understand how reading a text impact how individuals view and interact with the world?
Objective #2: Students will evaluate how the writer conveys purpose and convey a message(s) about life or the human condition Objective #3:Students will create a document that persuades a particular audience
Where/when in the course will you teach this objective? In class while reading Animal Farm In class while reading animal farm and examples for the Defined STEM site During the school day, utilizing the lab and the Defined STEM site
Where/when in the course students have the opportunity to practice/learn this objective? In class while reading Animal Farm and examples from the Defined STEM site In class while reading Animal Farm and from the Defined STEM site During the school day, utilizing the lab and the Defined STEM site.
Where/when in the course will you assess th is objective? Test and quizzes Students will write a Personal Persuasion paper and upload it to Edmodo The students will create a brochure that persuades and upload their final product to Edmodo

Table of Contents

Introducing the Unit

The teacher will begin the unit by having the students activate prior knowledge about what they know about the Russian Revolution. In their journals, the students will write whether or not they believe communism is a good or bad thing. Then the teacher will have the students complete a “Problem/Solving” activity. Finally, after the students have read a couple of chapters, the teacher will have the students take Cornell Notes while the teacher explains the relationship between the Russian Revolution and Animal Farm.
Teaching the Unit

Journals: Students will be completing daily journals. The journals will usually consist of summarizing the previous chapters. The purpose is to practice summarizing skills along with relaying the content that he or she read from the chapters.
Daily Oral Grammar: Students will be completing Daily Oral Grammar activities. These activities consists of having the teacher, utilize the Promethean Board to demonstrate how to edit a paragraph. The teacher will point out comma splices, run-on, misplaced modifiers, verb tense, and other grammatical devices. Then, the students will work in pairs to edit a paragraph. Finally, the teacher will call on volunteers to go to the Promethean Board to edit the paragraph. This activity will be done on almost a daily basis.
DefineSTEM Videos: Within the DefinedSTEM program, there are several videos. The teacher will show these videos as a way to get the students interested in the topic.
DefinedSTEM articles: Within the DefinedSTEM program, there are several articles that relate to the topic. The students will read the articles and complete the following notecard:
Author’s Name:
Web Page:
Web Address:
Date of Access:
Date of Publication
This strategy asks the students to restate what the passage is ABOUT and to list the details or POINTS that support the response. Students can create About/Point study sheets similar to the following example.

The reading is ABOUT:
The Main POINTS are:

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Study Guides: For each chapter of Animal Farm, students will be given a study guide in which they are to complete. The teacher will check to see if the students completed the homework and assign a grade. Then the teacher will review the study guide with the students.

Teaching how to write the Persuasive Writing Paper: The teacher will go over each step of writing the paper by using a PowerPoint presentation with an example. The teacher will go over how to write an anecdotal, background and general statement type of introduction. In addition, the teacher will demonstrate how to go from the introductory statement to the thesis statement with controlling ideas.
Next, the teacher will demonstrate how to write a body paragraph. The teacher will show the students how to write a topic sentence that relate to the controlling idea. The students will complete their portion after each step. Next, the teacher will demonstrate how to take the information from the note cards and add details to the body paragraph. The students will complete their part after each step.
Finally, using the example, the teacher will demonstrate how to write a conclusion that paraphrases the thesis statement.

Peer Review: After each paragraph is completed, the teacher will call on a volunteer to provide his or her paper. The teacher will demonstrate how to edit each other’s paper. First, the teacher will point out that the students should have an opening to their introduction that either has a background, anecdotal or a general statement. Next, the teacher will show the students how edit the transition from the opening to the thesis. Next, the teacher will demonstrate how to edit the thesis statement. Finally, the students will have a partner edit their papers. This will be repeated for each section of the paper.
Piktocha: The teacher will use the following video to demonstrate how to create a Piktochart:
Scratch: Since students had already watch the first video for another project, the teacher will use the following video to demonstrate how to create a Scratch:

The students will be graded on several things. Their journals will count as a class grade. There will be a test at the end of Animal Farm. Furthermore, the students will be required to write a Persuasive Writing paper. Also, the students will be required to create a digital portion. Finally, the students will be required to write a reflection.

Schedule: (Tentative)
Day One:
1. Warm up: In your journals, write whether or not you believe communism is a good or bad idea and why.

• To prepare the students to read Animal Farm the teacher will ask for examples of words, objects, and signs that stand for or symbolize something else. (They will come up with a variety of answers. The teacher will type the responses and display them on the Promethean board.) Then, the teacher will ask them if the characters in a book or movie can symbolize anything. Then, the teacher will explain that the characters in Animal Farm are talking animals, but they also represent much more. Next, the teacher and students will read chapter one while completing the study guide(vbschools).

3. The students will read chapter two for homework and complete the study guide questions.

Day Two:

1, Warm-up: The students will write a summary of Chapters one and two in their journals.

2. The teacher will explain that there are a lot of problem situations in
Animal Farm. The teacher will go over the following:

The owner of a factory pays his employees the bare minimum, so he can gain the maximum amount of profit. The workers perform all of the labor, face all of the dangers at the job, and receive little in return. With the money they are paid, the workers have just enough to pay for food, shelter, and clothing with very little left over. Out of fifty-two weeks in a year, seven days are spent on vacation and the rest are spent working. After a lifetime of service, the employees are given a gold watch and retire on Social Security, getting just enough money to survive (vbschools).

Questions: Is this system fair? What would be a better way of doing things? (The teacher will write the students’ responses on the promethean board).

The teacher will give the following case scenario: Let's change the system of the classroom. We will do away with a competitive grading system. Everyone will work according to his or her own capacity. Homework will not be assigned. Students will work for themselves, not for the reward of a grade. We will share equally in work and rewards. All students will receive "Bs." Students will decide what is to be studied. There will be no teacher giving directions or orders (vbschools).

Questions: Is this system fair? What would be a better way of doing things? Write a paragraph like the one above from the animals' point of view (see Old Major's speech).

After they finish, the teacher will place them in groups and give them a problem situation. Then, ask them to arrive at a solution to the problem. (The teacher will write students’ responses on the promethean board) (vbschools).

• The teacher and students will read Chapters 3 and answer the study guide.

Czar Nickolas the Second and Family

• The teacher will use the following “Comparison” chart to lecture to the students with regards to the historical elements of novel. The students will use the “Cornell Notes”(AKA Cornell notes)
Animal Farm
Comparison of characters to Russian Revolution
Animal Farm Russian Revolution
Mr. Jones
• irresponsible to his animals (lets them starve)
• sometimes cruel - beats them with whip
• sometimes kind - mixes milk in animal mash Czar Nicholas II
• a poor leader at best, compared to western kings
• cruel - sometimes brutal with opponents
• Sometimes kind - hired students as spies to make $
Old Major
• taught Animalism
• workers do the work, rich keep the $, animals revolt
• dies before revolution Karl Marx
• invented Communism
• "workers of the world unite", take over gov't
• dies before Russian Revolution
• no owners, no rich, but no poor
• workers get a better life, all animals equal
• everyone owns the farm Communism
• same
• all people equal
• gov't owns everything, people own gov't
• young, smart, good speaker, idealistic
• really wants to make life better for all
• one of leaders of revolution
• chased away into exile by Napoleon's dogs Leon Trotsky
• other leader of "October Revolution"
• pure communist, followed Marx
• wanted to improve life for all in Russia
• chased away by Lenin's KGB (Lenin's secret police)
• not a good speaker, not as clever like Snowball
• cruel, brutal, selfish, devious, corrupt
• his ambition is for power, killed opponents
• used dogs, moses, and Squealor to control animals Joseph Stalin
• not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky
• same as Napoleon, didn't follow Marx's ideas
• cared for power, killed all that opposed him
• used KGB, allowed church, and propagandized
• big mouth, talks a lot
• convinces animals to believe and follow Napoleon
• Changes and manipulates the commandments Propaganda department of Lenin's government
• worked for Stalin to support his image
• used any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin
• benefited from the fact that education was controlled
The Dogs
• a private army that used fear to force animals to work
• killed or intimidated any opponent of Napoleon
• another part of Napoleon's strategy to control animals KGB - Secret Police
• not really police, but forced support for Stalin
• used force, often killed entire families for disobedience
• totally loyal, part of Lenin's power, even over army
Moses the Raven
• tells animals about SugarCandy mountain - Heaven
• animals can go there if they work hard
• Snowball and Major were against him
• they though Heaven was a lie to make animals work
• Napoleon let him stay because he taught animals to
• work and not complain Religion
• Marx said "Opiate of the people" a lie
• used to make people not complain and do their work
• Religion was tolerared because people would work
• Stalin knew religion would stop violent revolutions
• was vain - loved her beauty and self
• didn't think about the animal farm
• went with anyone who gave her what she wanted Vain, selfish people in Russia and world
• some people didn't care about revolution
• only though about themselves
• went to other countries that offered more for them
• strong, hard working horse, believes in Animal Farm
• "Napoleon is always right", "I must work harder"
• gives his all, is betrayed by Napoleon, who sells him Dedicated, but tricked communist supporters
• people believed Stalin because he was "Communist"
• many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin a tyrant
• betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them
• old, wise donkey who is suspicious of revolution
• thinks "nothing ever changes", is right
• his suspicions are true, about Boxer and sign changes Skeptical people in Russia and outside Russia
• weren't sure revolution would change anything
• realized that a crazy leader can call himself communist
• knew that communism wouldn't work with power
• hungry leaders
Overall details about revolution
• it was supposed to make life better for all
• life was worse at the end
The leaders became the same as, or Introduce Animal Farm. The teacher will use the following “Comparison” chart to lecture to the students with regards to the historical elements of novel. The students will use the “Cornell Notes”(AKA Cornell notes)
Animal Farm
Comparison of characters to Russian Revolution
• Overall details of Russian Revolution
• supposed to fix problems from Czar
• life was even worse long after revolution
• Stalin made Czar look like a nice guy
3. The teacher will introduce the DefinedSTEM web site:

4. The teacher will show the students a video on how advertisement affects the brain: Advertising and the Brain and the brain: Brain Activity Measures Response to Ads, Commercials.

5. The students will read Chapter 4 for homework. The students will complete the Study Guide as they read

Day 3:

1.Warm Up: The students will write in their journals and summarize chapters 3 and 4 of Animal Farm.

2. The teacher and students will Chapter five of Animal Farm. The students will answer the questions to the Study Guide as they read.
3. The students will read the Article: “Buyer beware: Advertising may seduce your brain, researchers say” and take Cornell Notes.
4. The students will watch the video: Television, Sports, News Media Are Used To Manipulate & Control You!
And take notes.
5. Homework: The students will answer the questions to the Study Guide as they read Chapter 6.

Day 4:
1. Warm up: The students will summarize chapters 5 and 6 in their journals.
2. The teacher will read chapter 7 and complete the study guide.
3. The students will watch the video: The Animal Farm– Propaganda:
And take notes.
4. The student will read the Article: “How the brain responds to deceptive advertising” and take notes.
5. Homework: the students will read chapter eight and complete the study guide.

Day 5
1. Warm Up: The students will summarize chapters 7 and 8 in their journals.
2. The teacher and students will read chapter 9 and answer the study guide questions. .
3 The teacher and students will watch the following video: Psychology And Advertising:
4. The students will read the article: “Making Ads That Whisper to the Brain” and take notes.
5. Homework: The students will read chapter ten of Animal Farm and answer study guide questions.
Day 6:
1. Test on Animal Farm

2. The teacher will show the following video: Propaganda and The Seven Techniques:
3. The students will read the article: “To be or to become: That's the question for advertisers” and take notes.
4. Daily Oral Grammar
5. The teacher will show a PowerPoint Presentation: “How to write an introduction”
6. Homework: Write introduction
Day 7:
1.The students will read the article: “Context Is Everything: An Armani Ad On 1 Page Changes Perception Of Honda Ad On Next Page” and take notes.
2. The teacher will show the video Anti Communist Cartoon:
3. censor:
4. Daily Oral Grammar
5..Peer Edit (Workshop)
6. The teacher will show a PowerPoint: “how to do the refutation paragraph”
7. Homework: write the refutation paragraph
Day 8
1. the teacher will show a video on how to create a Piktochart
2. The teacher will show a Political Cartoon:
3. Anti Nazi Cartoon:
4. The teacher will show a cartoon
5. Daily Oral Grammar
6. Peer Edit (Work Shop)
7. The teacher will show a PowerPoint that demonstrates how to write a body paragraph.
8. Homework: write rough draft
Day 9
1. Daily Oral Grammar
2. Peer Edit (workshop)
3. Students will write their second Body Paragraph
Day 10
1. Daily Oral Grammar
2. Peer Edit (Workshop)
3. The teacher will demonstrate how to write a conclusion.
4. Students will write their conclusion
5. Homework: Students will finish the conclusion
Day 11
1. Daily Oral Grammar
2. Peer Edit (Workshop)
3. The teacher will show a resource for writing in MLA style:

4. Lab: Students will work on their projects
Day 12
1. Daily Oral Grammar
2. Peer Edit (Workshop with a different partner)
3. Lab: Students will work on their projects
Day 13
1. Daily Oral Grammar
2. Peer Edit (Workshop with a different partner)
3. Lab: Students will finish their project.
4. Students will print out a hard copy and upload their project to Edmodo.
5. Lab: Work on Project

After the assignment persuasive writing assignment and technology portion is graded:
Table of Contents

Reflection Essay:

The purpose of the “Reflection Essay” is to give the students a chance to reflect on their writing. The students will begin by describing the assignment. Next, the student will explain which program he or she chose and explain why. The student will explain why he or she chose to do certain things within the scope of the project. Then, the students will analyze his or her own writing, paying attention to the strength and weaknesses. Finally, the student will write what she or he thought of the project and how he or she could improve.

Source: (

• Introduction
Students will begin with describing the topic, the emotions he or she felt about writing about the topic, and/or the topic itself.
• Body Paragraph One
This paragraph will have the students discuss the technology element. The student will discuss why he or she chose the characters if Scratch was used. The student will describe why the characters moved to certain locations. The students will also explain why he or she chose the topic. The paragraph will discuss why he or she chose the characters if Scratch was used or why he or she chose the color scheme if Piktochart was used
• Body Paragraph Two
Students will write about their strengths and weaknesses.
• Body Paragraph Three
The students will list new goals they have established due to what you learned in the classroom.

• Conclusion
The students will share opinions on how the topic might be improved or anything you particularly disliked as well.

Rubric for Persuasive Essay(One Test Grade)
Table of Contents
Your paper must be between 400 and 600 words

Introduction (15 points):

Does the introduction start with the general information, background or anecdotal method? ______________

Does the introduction have information leading from the first sentence to the position (thesis) statement________________

Does the introduction have a position (thesis statement), take a clear position and three controlling ideas?__________________________

Counter-argument (20 points):

Does the writer clearly present the opposition’s point of view which will be discussed in this paragraph? ______________________________

Does the paragraph have a transition to the writer’s own opinion? _____________________________

Does the paragraph include suitable researched support for the writer’s opinion? _______________________

Pro-argument one: (20 points):
Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? ___________________
Does the paragraph have at least three supporting details?___________________
Pro-argument two: (20 points):
Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? ___________________
Does the paragraph have at least three supporting ideas?___________________

Conclusion: (10 Points)
Does the conclusion sum up the main ideas? ___________________
Does the conclusion finish up with the author’s opinion? _______________________
MLA Format: ( 15Points)
Is the paper written in the MLA format? _______________________________
Does the paper have in-text citations? __________________________
Does the paper have a Works Cited page? ______________________________

Technology Rubrics (One Test Grade)

Rubric for Brochure (Piktochart)
Table of Contents
Does the brochure have the colors that enhance your persuasion technique?
(25 points) ______________

Does your brochure has appropriate graphics or pictures related to your persuasive paper? (25points) _____________________

Does your brochure or game have the appropriate text that relate to your persuasive paper? (25points) ___________________________

Does the brochure have appropriate spacing between pictures and text (25points)__________________________

Extra Credit for Original Pictures

Grammar: One point off each grammatical/spelling error

Total Points: _____________________________

Rubric for Scratch (Test + Extra Credit)
Table of Contents
Does the cartoon have the colors that enhance your persuasion technique?
(20 Points) ______________
Does the cartoon has graphic or pictures relate to your persuasive paper?
(20 points) ______________
Do the characters travel through at least three different scenes?
(20 points) ________________________
Do the characters fade away at the end ?(20 points) ________________________________
Does the dialogue relate to the persuasive paper ?(20 points) ____________________________

Rubric for Reflection Essay
Table of Contents
Introduction (20 Points)
Does the introduction describe the assignment? ( 20 Points ) ________________________
Does the first line is the topic sentences stating that the writer will discuss why he or she chose the topic? ________________________________________
Does the introduction has a thesis statement with controlling ideas?_____________________

Body Paragraph One (20 Points)
The topic sentence discusses that it will discuss the technology element _______________-
The paragraph discusses why he or she chose the characters if Scratch was used or why he or she chose the color scheme if Piktochart was used. ____________________________

Body Paragraph Two (20 Points)

Does the paragraph mentions in the topic sentence that the writer will discuss her or his strengths and weaknesses ______________________________

Does the paragraph have supporting details that support the topic sentence _________________

Body Paragraph Three (20Points)
Does the topic sentence mention that the writer will discuss how he or she will improve? _____
Does the paragraph has supporting details that support the thesis statement? ____________

Conclusion: (20 Points)
Does the conclusion sum up the main ideas? ___________________
Does the conclusion finish up with the author’s opinion? _______________________

Total Points: _______________________
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