ENG 283E: Our Premodern Epics: How Epics Create Culture and Vice Versa

The Iliad

5 The Iliad (Current) The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic written down probably sometime in the 8th century ... [294 chars]
Kara Maloney 14 Nov 2016, 9:06am PST
4 The Iliad The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic written down probably sometime in the 8th century ... [294 chars]
Kara Maloney 14 Nov 2016, 8:59am PST
3 The Iliad The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic written down probably sometime in the 8th century ... [294 chars]
Kara Maloney 2 Nov 2016, 6:39pm PDT
2 The Iliad The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic written down probably sometime in the 8th century ... [294 chars]
Kara Maloney 2 Nov 2016, 10:35am PDT
1 The Iliad The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic written down probably sometime in the 8th century ... [294 chars]
Kara Maloney 2 Nov 2016, 10:34am PDT