ENG 283E: Our Premodern Epics: How Epics Create Culture and Vice Versa

One Thousand and One Nights

One Thousand and One Nights stands out as a far-reaching collection of over two and a half years of continuous storytelling, a veritable onion that readers can peel off, layer after layer, and read deeper into more enticing stories. The frame story of Shahryar, Scheherazade, and its core group of stories date from the 8th or 9th century CE. This page shows how we are still adding to these stories and reinterpreting them today, and how vital storytelling remains to our modern global culture.

Contents of this path:

  1. 1001 Arabian Nights: Aladdin Saluted Her with Joy, Beijing, China
  2. 1001 Arabian Nights: One Thousand and One Nights 1001 Nights Ballet, Baku, Azerbaijan
  3. 1001 Arabian Nights: Scheherazade by Rimsky Korsakov
  4. A Thousand and One Arabian Nights circa 1986 by Josh Berson
  5. A Thousand and One Nights: The Three Ladies of Baghdad in Baghdad