Don Quixote: Statue of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
12016-10-14T11:19:01-07:00Denise Rodriguezfc89b67eab187bdcabb723915521a913dc69f253118782Denise's page on Don Quixotegoogle_maps2016-10-14T11:26:22-07:0040.4234° N, 3.7122° WDenise Rodriguezfc89b67eab187bdcabb723915521a913dc69f253
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12016-10-10T10:48:56-07:00Don Quixote: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Statue4This is a statue of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is located at the Plaza de España in Madrid, Spain.This picture is important because based on the readings some might say that Don Quixote isn’t really a knight and he’s crazy but this statue depicts him as an actual knight. The statue is located in a popular area, which is also important because it shows the impact it had on Spanish culture.plain2016-10-14T11:16:26-07:00Don Quixote28 April 2010