ENG 283E: Our Premodern Epics: How Epics Create Culture and Vice Versa

Don Quixote: Don Quixote at the start of his adventures

I chose this multimedia item because of the location and the objects placed in the painting. The typical images used to describe Don Quixote are Don Quixote on his horse pretending to be a knight or Don Quixote attempting to fight a windmill because he thinks that they are giants. The Location of the multimedia item is in the home of Don Quixote. This is an integral part to the story of Don Quixote because the books he read were all about chivalry. This image is where his adventures begin and when he decides he wants to be chivalrous and save the world from everything bad. After reading book after book he came to believe that this fantasy became reality and that it was his job to do acts of chivalry. Stated in a secondary source, "the ultimate goal for Don Quixote was to 'improve the world without any reference to the realities of the situation (Holmes, 43)'" "The first thing he did was to clean up some armour that had belonged to his great-grandfather, and had been for ages lying forgotten in a corner eaten with rust and covered with mildew" (Cervantes, Chapter 1). Although his attire does not meet the expectations of a real knight and hero, he believed it did, and with that being said he went out to seek adventure and courage. The plot to which Don Quixote’s servants try to sabotage his plans and burn his chivalry books does not stop him from trying to achieve his goal. I think this is an important multimedia choice in the fact that it has a lesson behind it. Don Quixote never gave up and although his tasks might have been unnecessary and naive, that never stopped him from trying. It is important for children to learn about the epic of Don Quixote to teach them to never give up on their dream even if there are a few obstacles that appear through the journey. Many argue that he had turned crazy, while others believe that he had a wide imagination and decided to explore it. 

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