El Salvador's History of Violence

Leading Up To A Civil War

Right-wing Military Government VS. Left-Wing Guerilla: 1930s-1980

Between the massacre of 1932 and the official beginnings of the Civil War, constant conflict between the two sides ensued. A series of assassinations and coup d'etats as people organized into groups to demand their rights. 

Military death squads continued to inflict violence onto anyone who appeared to be "left". 

In 1979, the dictatorship of Carlos Humberto Romero was overtaken by the JRG or the Revolutionary Government Junta. This leftist system remained in place for only a year before a series of right-wing attacks, including bombings, kidnapping, and murder forced the JRG into resignation. Replacing the JRG was ARENA created by Roberto D'Aubuisson...

Back: La Matanza

Next: An Assassination & ARENA


"El Salvador | CJA." CJA. Accessed October 13, 2016. http://cja.org/where-we-work/el-salvador/.


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