EDKP 447

Game Intervention: Yoga Plus

The second game used will be Yoga Plus and more specifically, the tree pose. As illustrated, the tree pose consists of standing on one leg all while stretching the arms upwards, with palms against one another. In order to improve static balance, the console provides on-screen feedback of the participants center of pressure. Conforming to faded feedback, this feature will be heavily used at the beginning of the treatment and as the child improves, reliance on external feedback will be decreased by reducing the use of this feature. Bouwien et al (2015) was able to conclude that participants with DCD reached similar scores as TD participants when using the Yoga tree pose. Additionally, the results indicated a transfer of learning, where the child was able to use this training and apply it to other endeavours in order to improve their static balance.
As seen, children with DCD are slightly visually dependant. In order to engage in multisensory re-weighing, children will also be expected to practice the tree pose with their eyes closed. Under these conditions, participants are expected to start off on one foot all while holding a chair with two hands in order to maintain their balance. Once the they are comfortable, the chair will be removed, and the child will engage in the tree pose without any support systems. DCD children should engage in 30 minutes of practice under eyes open condition and 30 minutes under eyes closed condition.

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