Early Indigenous Literatures

Works Cited

Berlant, Lauren. “Slow Death (Sovereignty, Obesity, Lateral Agency),” Critical inquiry, 2007, Vol.33 (4), p.754-780

Chuh, Kandice. “Discomforting Knowledge: Or, Korean ‘Comfort Women’ and Asian Americanist Critical Practice.”Journal of Asian American Studies 6.1 (2003): 5-23

Hartman, Saidiya V. Scenes of Subjection: Terror, slavery, and self-making in nineteenth century America. Oxford University Press on Demand, 1997.

Johnson, Emily Pauline. A Red Girl’s Reasoning. Canadian Literature, 1893.

Kang, Laura Hyun Yi. Traffic in Asian Women. Duke University Press, 2020.

Montezuma, Carlos. Wassaja 1916: Papers. The Newberry Library.

Nichols, Robert. Theft is Property!: Dispossession and critical theory. Duke University Press, 2020. 

O’Brien, Jean M. Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians out of existence in New England. U of Minnesota Press, 2010.

Pexa, Christopher J. Translated Nation: Rewriting the Dakhota Oyate. U of Minnesota Press, 2019. 

Tallbear, Kim. Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the false promise of genetic science. U of Minnesota Press, 2013. 

Wilkins, David E. and Shelly Hulse Wilkins. “Blood quantum: The Mathematics of Ethnocide” The Great Vanishing Act: Blood Quantum and the Future of Native Nations ed. By Kathleen Ratterjee and Nobert Hill. Fulcrum Publishing 2017. 210-227

Yao, Xine. Disaffected: The Cultural Politics of Unfeeling in Nineteenth-Century America. Duke University Press. 2021.

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