Early Indigenous Literatures

Doll is More than a Name—

                      it is how he thinks / he keeps me:
stiff, silent, still, dull eyes like raw onyx in need 
of polish. Though stone is more prized the less
hollow it holds. Unlike a womb, a puppet, a doll
whose inside means vessel. Blessed are those
who plant trees beneath whose shade they will 
never sit
—I once believed this, but my children
are not seeds sewn in the deep soil of the pitch
pine, or grown as free as a red oak’s thousand 
blooms. I am no planter, but a mother, someone
who knows how to grow life from the emptiness
within. I am a woman become the Doll of a man 
called Captain—he was first and always will be 
Shoe: made to move, to shield his most tender
flesh, to keep treading that promise of a shade 
not his own


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