Early Indigenous Literatures

Bible Title Page Annotation 4

The paratext also shows that the Bible was published in Cambridge by Samuel Green. Outside of the text, literary historians are aware that Cambridge is an essential location for several Indigenous students. Brooks writes that “Indigenous scholars like Joel Iacoomes, Caleb Cheeshateaumuck, and Wawaus—also known as James Printer—were not merely students who received, or were subjected to, a colonial education, but significant contributors to the emergence of a multi- lingual American literary tradition, beginning with the Indigenous language publications of the Harvard Press, which was housed in the Indian College.”[1] The town of Cambridge in the 17th century was both a site for Euro-American publishing and printing, along with Indigenous education.
[1] Lisa Brooks, Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip’s War, (2018), 72-73.

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