Art in an Early Global World at WAM: A WAM/College of the Holy Cross Collaboration

The Adoration of the Kings: Sources & Further Reading

Layard, Austen Henry. The Madonna and Saints, Painted in Fresco by Ottaviano Nelli, in the Church of S. Maria Nuova at Gubbio. Bradbury and Evan,1857.

Clark, Kenneth. “International Gothic and Italian Painting: Selwyn Brinton Lecture.” Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 95, no. 4753 (1947): 757-770.

Stubblebine, James H. “Byzantine Influence in Thirteenth-Century Italian Panel Painting.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 20 (1966): 85–101.

Archer Crowe, Joseph, Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle. "Ottaviano Nelli". Umbrian and Sienese Masters of the Fifteenth Century, 187-195J. Murray, 1914.

Davis, Kathleen and Michael Puett. "Periodization and “The Medieval Globe”: A Conversation," The Medieval Globe: 2, no. 1 (2015).

Delledonne, Chiara, Michela Albano, Tommaso Rovetta, Gianmarco Borghi, Mario Gentile, Anna Denia Marvelli, Piero Mezzabotta, Lucia Riga, Elisa Salvini, Marta Trucco, and et al. 2024. "Rediscovering the Painting Technique of the 15th Century Panel Painting Depicting the Coronation of the Virgin by Michele di Matteo." Heritage 7, no. 1: 324-337.

Schadler, Koo. History of Egg Tempera Painting. 2017.


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