Division of Instruction

Personalized Course Setup in Elementary


Teachers at Cowan Street Elementary School in Local District West approached the principal, Mr. Da Sylveira, with a need to have different courses in Schoology. This need surfaced because teachers wanted separate gradebooks for their core subjects. The principal was proactive to create a personalized solution for his staff, students, and community to provide access to everyday instruction.

Learning Management System audience for this example: 


Personalization Example:

100% Graduation is Supported by:

And this is why:
The Learning Management System has provided Cowan Elementary the opportunity to collaborate and develop cross-curricular lessons. Teachers have started to create and share resources across subjects and grades levels. These practices increase access to high-quality instruction throughout the campus.

ISTE Standards Alignment:

And this is why:
Principal Da Sylveira is using Schoology to personalize teachers’ courses. Teachers approached him with a need to have different courses in Schoology, instead of only using the course created for them through MiSiS. He was able to empower teachers by creating a course for each core subject. Once the course was created, teachers were able to add students, materials, and continue to manage the course for a trimester, and in turn further empower and engage their students and parents.

Next Steps:

Cowan’s goal is to have full learning management system (LMS) implementation as teachers continue to increase their knowledge of how Schoology can personalize their instructional practice. Mr. Da Sylveira’s next step is to further personalize the LMS for the needs of his staff, students, and parents to collaborate on RTI recommendations for his students.

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