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DIY pest control: The kryptonite for Walhamstow's small businesses

DIY pest control: The kryptonite for Walhamstow's small businesses

From bed bugs and termites to rodents and bats, it seems like there exists a different type of pest for every different home. Many times, people opt-in for DIY solutions with various rates of success rather than simply calling a pest control company in Walthamstow. But what happens when the infestation affects your business. Can you still perform a DIY treatment or should you choose a reputable pest infestation company? In this article, we will discuss the risks and consequences when business owners “swipe” pests under the rug.

Monday, September 21st. Normally this should have been a typical workday in Walthamstow. But not for Forest Road where one takeaway business got closed.

"It is disgusting that a business can operate with a rat infestation in place." says Deputy leader Cllr Clyde for the East London and West Essex edition of the Guardian. The examiners have found various rat droppings in corners along with grimes and dirt across the restaurant surfaces.

Readers may feel pity towards the business owners, аnd we understand because we also do, but this problem was probably present long before the examiners visited the restaurant. The owner could have called one of the many pest control companies in Walthamstow. It is not uncommon for people to try to treat their business property against pests. However, unlike home, work environments present many more opportunities for rodents to thrive. The unwanted guests get more alone time and tons of food sources. On top of this, nobody is going to close your home because you have an infestation, while this takeaway place loses money each day its doors remain shut.

Customers: the first "rats" to abandon your pest-infested business ship

Sinking ships can be a romantic story only in Hollywood, in real life, a pest infestation can bring an image for your company that even the best PR experts and crisis managers can’t handle. Following the sailing analogy, you may argue that even after Titanic people still use ships. True, but this incident influences transatlantic routes to this day. With each passing year, the tendency for customers to be pickier becomes more and more visible. Do people think that a well-known pest issue won’t affect the inflow of clients from the community the business serves?

To back our point with arguments, we can look back at Forest Road. The restaurant got nine 1-star reviews from customers on the internet. Unlike pest-infestations that can be successfully eliminated by a professionalist, negative feedback stays in the digital world for years to come. On top of this, more and more people find the services they search for directly from the world wide web.

The moral of the story:

Make a good cost-benefit analysis. Is the money you are going to save with DIY pest control enough to cover your losses if your business gets closed? Can these homemade treatments be cheap enough to counter the years of negative reviews? Are you brave enough to look your workers into the eyes and fire some of them in order to save your company? Can you do the same next month if the results don’t get better?

But enough talking about other people and their opinions. What about yourself? A responsible adult shouldn’t tolerate pest issues, neither at home nor in the workplace. After all, it is not uncommon to infest your home after coming back from work. But don’t worry, call a reliable pest control company and take ownership of your business and home environment. Don’t bang your head against the wall, searching for ways to trick the inspectors. Just get rid of pests and focus on what your business does best.