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Digital Writing Portfolio

Molloy Digital Writing 2014

Stephanie Ciurleo, Author

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I was pleasantly surprised when Prezi was mentioned in this class. I have quite a bit of experience with this particular platform due to the many business classes that I took in high school. Prezi is my absolute favorite way to formulate a presentation. Having an infinite amount of space to draw up a presentation is vital. Older presentation platforms such as PowerPoint simply cannot give the movement and the fluidity to a presentation that Prezi can. Prezi also gives you the option to ditch the templates and create something that is totally your own.
     The first prezi that i completed for this class was on "The Authorship Manifesto in the Age of New Media". This simple presentation was made to show the basic uses of prezi and to prove that I did in fact  have an understanding of the platform. This presentation can be found below.

     The next Prezi that was created in this class was also about this very same manifesto, but the purpose of this prezi was to see just how well we could use the tools that it provided us to create a magazine spread like presentation. This prezi can be found below.

     My experiences in this class with this presentation platform do not end here. If you continue on this path, you will find my "Know your App" prezi, as well as my "Know Your Meme" prezi. You will find that these presentations use different types of media to help get my point across in a very different way then what is normally expected. That is the beauty of prezi. The design is totally up to you. It can be linear or non linear. It can use text or it can use images. It can even use both if that is what you chose. You have an infinite amount of space to work on. Prezi creates presentations like no other. It is truly the best presentation platform out there. PowerPoint simply cannot compete.
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