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Digital Writing Portfolio

Molloy Digital Writing 2014

Stephanie Ciurleo, Author

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The use of memes is a huge part of modern culture. Before this class, my experiences with the use of memes was limited to the ones that I saw on social media sites. Like many people, I found these memes to be amusing, but I had a shallow understanding of how they are made and how they can be utilized. I did however, understand that there were many different types of memes simply from seeing an array of memes on sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Memes that I was familiar with prior to this class include doge memes, LOLcat memes, and many different types of memes involving characters from the ever fabulous award winning T.V. show Spongebob Squarepants. Other than that brief knowledge of memes, I was pretty much in the dark. After taking this class I can easily say that I have seen the light.

My first lesson, LOLcat shall always be superior to doge memes. I understand that the doge meme is coming out of the wood work and becoming increasingly popular, especially for advertisement purposes, but the use of baby talk and comic sans font simply does not do it for me. The use of image macro with impact font and witty catch phrases will always make the LOLcat memes a force to be reckoned with.

Another piece of knowledge that I obtained from my time in this class is just how easy it is to create memes of my own. There are various online tools to create memes as well as an app called Meme Generator. This technology allows you to choose some of the most popular photos as the base image for your meme, and then layer text on top of it. From there, the meme that you have just created can be exported through messaging or through email. This is a great tool that I have been using quite often. I use this tool to create memes to share with friends, but the culture of memes today does not simply end at entertainment purposes.

Memes are more popularly being used as a means for business to reach target audiences, and advertise their company and their products. This is incredibly significant when you think about how far technology has come, where memes can be created and shared by large corporations as well as twelve year-olds in their parent’s basement. Memes allow universal sharing of ideas with the easy click of a button. This makes things like advertising a product so simple that anyone would be able to do it and everyone would have access to it.

Memes are extremely calculated when they are created. Everything within a meme is put there for a purpose. Aspects such as images and font can change the entire way in which a meme can be perceived. This is where visual learning comes into play.

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