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Writing in the Digital Age

ENG 200: Molloy Digital Writing Portfolio

Alexa Boccia, Author
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My Favorite Meme

Condescending Wonka always has humorous memes. This one in particular is my favorite. This meme is very relevant for me considering I am graduating in May. It is scary out there and maybe I will end up at Starbucks. This is the whole purpose of these memes. Condescending Wonka is supposed to look down at you in a humorous way. I'm laughing but again, also scared. I like how it pertains to a certain group of people. It is more of an eye opener than anything. I think, from an educational perspective, this meme could be posted in schools to show the difference between someone who went to school and someone who got an excellent education that allowed them to obtain a career.

According to, this meme originated from the movie Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. This movie featured Gene Wilder. This photo was taken from the part in the movie where he asked the children if they would
like to see the new candy he is working on called "The Everlasting Gobstopper". This photo than hit the internet in a new light in January of 2011. The reaction of "You Must be New Here" arose.  He was not originally Condescending Wonka he was originally "Creepy Wonka".

  The series was remained Condescending Wonka in November of 2011. It was because of a Reddit post that changed the name. It shows how important an online community can be.  This was also after it was paired up with a similar meme stating "Oh, you just graduated? / you must know everythingā€¯.  This meme was a widespread all over the internet and has been evolving ever since. Then official Quickmeme page was then created November 28th, 2011. 127,217 submissions as of June 2012 posted. There is a tag that can be searched on Tumblr called #condescendingwonka. 
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