Digital Storytelling

Reflection 1

This first reflection is part of the ungrading process and consists of writing around 300-500 words after reviewing the syllabus again and particularly the student learning outcomes (you can annotate, react, plan, and even add additional goals). Your text will be published in your Scalar and you can think of it as an opportunity to plan your process, expectations, commitments and even possible obstacles or difficulties. The purpose of these reflections is to pause at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester to imagine, structure, or reimagine class requirements in a personalized way that supports your individual interests and learning. After writing, you just need to submit your Scalar link here. Optional: insert an image so you can practice how to upload images on Scalar.

This semester I am really looking forward to enhancing my digital literacy. I do not consider myself a tech savvy person, but I am hoping by the end of the semester that will change. I think the ability to create a digital story is a powerful tool. It is a creative, and some may argue unconventional, way of relaying research findings. It is amazing how these stories can be so moving, motivational, and compelling, sometimes all in under five minutes. I strive to reach an audience in this way.

I am looking forward to exploring Scalar, as I have never used a platform like it. It is out of my comfort zone, but I am excited to experiment with it and discover what my favorite methods for sharing information are. I am also excited to tap into my more creative side, as that is not really something you can do in a traditional academic paper. I am looking forward to learning about how different artists, storytellers, and researchers come together using their different skillsets to create digital stories. I am hoping that I will be inspired by other’s work and it will provide some guidance for me in creating my own digital story.

At the same time that I enrolled for this class, I also became very interested in photography. I did not realize the extent to which photography can be used as a tool in digital storytelling. I was maybe making too many similarities with documentary film making. So, it is one of my goals to incorporate my interest in photography into my digital story. I am confident that learning these skills will help me in my future career, whatever it may be. I think that creating a digital story is a strong skill to have no matter what field one may be in.

I am looking forward to creating a digital story and learning about the process alongside my classmates. Sharing and receiving feedback with each other will be a significant help to me, and I hope to them as well, as we learn about this process together.