Digital Humanities Research Institute: Binghamton 2019

Welcome to the DHRI

The Binghamton Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) is a 4-day intensive workshop for university faculty and graduate students who are interested in the digital humanities. The institute includes seminar-type sessions oriented around critical discussion and hands-on workshops that will introduce the foundational skills and tools that are central to digital humanities practices. Sessions will treat topics such as the command line, data visualization, digital mapping, Python, text analysis, platforms for the digital presentation of research, open access and ethics. The goal is to foster a dynamic, robust and generative community of digital humanities researchers and teachers at Binghamton University. The Binghamton DHRI is hosted by the University Libraries and is supported by many generous campus co-sponsors. It is co-organized by Amy Gay and Nancy Um and was developed based on a ten-day residential workshop hosted by GC Digital Initiatives at The Graduate Center, CUNY, and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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