This site requires Javascript to be turned on. Please enable Javascript and reload the page. From the Club to the Classroom: Jazz Education Through the Ages Main Menu Jack Hay, Nick Chkonia, Jill Fu, Seamus Glavin, Brett Mele 3c7eea08b4acdbacaf506460ae6ab72d6cf8b88a Shelly Berg 1 2017-05-11T10:08:06-07:00 Nick Chkonia 62d5ae2ac277d53907d251a4d47699a78581c15c 16538 8 An interview with Shelly Berg plain 2017-05-11T15:21:30-07:00 Nick Chkonia 62d5ae2ac277d53907d251a4d47699a78581c15c <br />Shelly Berg talks about his experience learning Jazz growing up, and his emphasis on the importance of teaching Jazz. This page has paths: 1 2017-03-30T10:26:46-07:00 Jack Hay, Nick Chkonia, Jill Fu, Seamus Glavin, Brett Mele 3c7eea08b4acdbacaf506460ae6ab72d6cf8b88a Informal Jazz Education Seamus Glavin 10 plain 2017-05-11T13:58:25-07:00 Seamus Glavin 17616f27268a78969401a26329ffbbfc64e64180 Contents of this path: 1 2017-05-11T13:13:25-07:00 Nick Chkonia 62d5ae2ac277d53907d251a4d47699a78581c15c Shelly Berg Transcript 1 media/BergShelly_Transcript.pdf plain 2017-05-11T13:13:25-07:00 Nick Chkonia 62d5ae2ac277d53907d251a4d47699a78581c15c