1media/Screenshot SouthernSpaces.pngmedia/Screenshot SouthernSpaces.png2017-06-15T14:27:21-07:00Visualizing the Production of Space at the Grand Canyon4Part of Emory’s University’s “Map It | Little Dots, Big Ideas” series.plain2017-06-15T15:52:30-07:00October 12, 2016Enchanting the Desert: Visualizing the Production of Space at the Grand Canyon Date: October 12, 2016 https://southernspaces.org/2016/enchanting-desert-visualizing-production-space-grand-canyon Part of Emory’s University’s “Map It | Little Dots, Big Ideas” series. Bauch discusses the making of ‘Enchanting the Desert’. Includes a video of the presentation as well as a video of the question and answer session.