12017-06-14T11:39:44-07:00Adam Newmanc550a7aa67955971b074040b9c012ed68ca77ad0194051A demo of the project with screencast and author commentaryplain2017-06-14T11:39:44-07:00Adam Newmanc550a7aa67955971b074040b9c012ed68ca77ad0
12017-06-14T09:26:34-07:00User Experience21plain2017-12-15T14:00:24-08:00This is a general overview of the affordances of this custom-designed DH project, including a screencast/traversal of the project by the author himself.
As the author explains, there are multiple ways to navigate the project and in the following pages you can learn more about the affordances of each navigation style/component of the project.
Content inventory
6 chapters (sections) in the table of contents
82 essays
43 slides (photos)
1 map with multiple overlay options depending on context