Shakespeare's Life

For information about Shakespeare's life, we're going to redirect you to a page provided by the Folger Shakespeare Library. Please read that page. Then, using the header link, return to this page, and continue on to the text below for additional reading about Shakespeare's biography.

Once you've read what the Folger provides about Shakespeare's life, review some of that information and learn some more at the Folger page of Shakespeare FAQs. Again, when you are finished, you should use the header link to return to this page, and continue with the text below for additional reading.

Now that you know some basic information related to Shakespeare's biography, take a look at some of the legal records related to Shakespeare and his family, courtesy of Shakespeare Documented. The records linked there allow you to see images of the documents scholars rely on to verify what we know about Shakespeare's life.

When you have explored these documents to your liking, you can continue on the path below, which will take you through important details about Shakespeare's works.    

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